The award is given to those convenors that undergo a process of review and reflection with their students to ensure that they have considered authors and perspectives from divergent backgrounds, such as race, gender, sexuality, disability, internationalisation, and socio-economic contexts within their discipline. Diversity Mark aims to support staff in representing diverse perspectives and authors in their reading list, which in turn leads to a more inclusive learning experience for students.
Resources required:
- Student interns (diversity mark officers).
- Academic/professional services staff to support.
- Technical skills for platform development.
- Funding for conferences and events i.e. running focus groups and incentives (refreshments).
Available evidence of impact:
- Student focus groups at the end of the process.
- Changes made to reading lists.
- Attendance at conferences.
- Page views of toolkits and webpages supporting.
- Informing other university agendas.
- Increasing understanding of importance of representation on reading lists/curriculum.
Links to available resources:
- Kent Diversity Mark Panel Guidance
- Kent Diversity Mark Process Progress Checklist
- Kent DM Process for Convenors
- Kent DM Process for SSTC
- Diversity Mark Toolkit
- Diversity Mark
Implementation and potential challenges:
- Committed experts within department and professional services staff.
- Time and resources.
- Buy-in from the university.
- Funding – hiring student assistants or/and external consultants/speakers.
How to Use:
- Collaborate with other university departments (Academic departments, Student Experience, Students Union, Library etc,).
- Gain school approval.
- Consider core modules to review as a minimum.
- Produce evaluation tools for academics to reflect on diversity of resource lists.
- Prepare Diversity Mark best practice evidence from other schools/departments.
- Refer to Diversity Mark toolkit.
- Recruit work study students to work with academics.
- Collect data and analyse.
- Present finding to school/departments.
- Implement an accreditation framework.
- Measure impact and outcomes.