A pedagogical tool for visualising bias in reading lists/curriculum, and a practical tool for opening discussion on authorship of texts/production of knowledge.

Resources required:

  • Focus group participants/students within class setting.
  • Colleagues to co-deliver critical literacy.

Available evidence of impact:

  • Behavioural changes/raised awareness in focus group participants.
  • Quotes “For me I would like to go and research female BME background authors in my subject. Because I am quite astonished that I don’t know any authors from that background”.
  • Changes in reading list content.

Links to available resources:

Implementation and potential challenges:

  • Universities can use the case study of setting up focus groups to examine bias in subject of choice.
  • Collaborate with library services in co-delivery and co-design.
  • How could a practical critical literacy element be incorporated in existing curriculum sessions.
  • Limitations of identity labels – acknowledge and set terms in context for broader discussion.

How to Use:

  • Upskilling in critical literacy for academic staff involved.
  • Use focus group methodology and counter story reflective narratives, as well as reading list analysis, to decolonise curricula.
  • Consideration of intersectionality integral.