A first-year core module that takes a decolonial approach entitled ‘Social Theory 2: Classical and Contemporary Approaches’ and a third year optional module entitled ‘Constructions of ‘Race’ in Culture and Politics’.
Resources required:
- Engagement from staff/students.
- Time to develop materials/content.
Available evidence of impact:
- Shift of attitudes.
- Staff engagement and commitment across the institution.
Links to available resources:
Implementation and potential challenges:
- Considering embedded or/and additional activities to feed into broader curricular for student and staff.
- Resourcing/time.
- Engagement/commitment.
How to Use:
- Refer to UEL’s sample module outlines.
- Allocation of time for academic staff to work on module content.
- Consider representation within reading lists and module content.
- Think about how texts are taught, critiqued and how academic literacies are experienced.
- Encourage exploration and deconstruction of the origins of discipline, through curriculum development.
- Allow students to explore identity and histories for a collective understanding of discipline.
- Check module content for negative stereotyping.