Opportunity Bristol provides financial support to UK students from Black backgrounds to undertake a fully-funded research-related Masters degree. To date, the Opportunity Bristol scheme has provided funding to 14 Black students to study on research-related master’s degrees.
Resources required:
- Funding.
- Networking with other academic/professional networks.
- Use materials available or as case study to make cases for.
Available evidence of impact:
- Increase in students from underrepresented backgrounds attending university.
- Application figures.
Links to available resources:
Implementation and potential challenges:
- Universities can signpost and link to content.
- Funding to create scholarships.
- Support from university.
How to Use:
- Finalise objectives and target students for the scholarship.
- Use real case studies from similar universities to negotiate funding at a university level.
- Investigate relevant funding streams i.e. Access and Participation, Levelling up funding etc.
- Consider linking with partner or local institutions/organisations to deliver and co-fund.
- Framework for supporting scholars through the process and during the scholarship.