Since 2017, this podcast has developed into an anti-racist platform where we speak with students, academics and community workers about their scholarship. We seek to challenge the common-sense assumptions about who knowledge producers are and how – as sociologists – we should be consistently reflecting on how our work is communicated.

Resources required:

  • Technical skills, resource: time, engagement.
  • Look to replicate at a local level or share widely to raise awareness of important issues covered by the podcast.

Available evidence of impact:

  • Increased retention rates amongst staff.
  • Career progression.
  • Increased sense of belonging and networks with staff/researchers.

Links to available resources:

Implementation and potential challenges:

  • Institutions can replicate or adapt according to local interests/academics

How to Use:

  • Embed the podcast in modules as an additional resource for students.
  • Set up your own podcast that centres anti-racism, perhaps with student hosts/contributors.
  • Consider how you can reflect on your own research interests using the lens of race and racial inequity, as the speakers on the podcast do.