A space for faculty and students to explore and discuss intersectional and transnational approaches and understanding of race within sociology.
Resources required:
- Staff and students to organise, set reading list, and participate in the reading groups.
- Resource to produce monthly newsletters and monitor Google Forms for sign up to the groups.
Available evidence of impact:
- Numbers attending and engaging with the groups.
- Hits to the landing web page for the cluster.
- Potential feedback from attendees.
Links to available resources:
- Google Forms for creating sign-ups and registration – Race Research Cluster at Cambridge
Implementation and potential challenges:
- Engagement and resources in terms of staff and students to organise and promote if in addition to curriculum content.
How to Use:
- Staff or PhD students with an interest in race could coordinate a reading group of their own either by using an example syllabus provided, or by creating their own reading list.
- Introductory sessions for doctoral researchers could emphasise the value of such sessions for developing thought and critiques around race.
- Get in contact with the library to help promote and provide the readings.
- Secure a community space to hold regular reading groups.
- This could also be a recruitment tool, to encourage undergraduates interested in race to pursue postgraduate study.